lørdag den 2. november 2013

My Life In Ecuador Is Not Only Cakes And Dancing...


So I finally have time to make a update about my everyday life here in Ecuador.
So today I'm going to tell you guys about general things here. 

I don't remember if I actually have told where I live? But here it comes I live in Otavalo which is a little city, about 2 hours away from Quito the capital of Ecuador. Otavalo may be a little city, but it's every famous, because Otavalo is one of the oldest city's and it's here all the original people come from in Ecuador. 

So I go to school with a lot of the original Ecuadorian and they are the only once allowed not to wear school uniform, because they are wearing the original clothes. 
So yes I wear school uniform every single day! Monday the boys wear tie and the girls a blue bow on there shirt, but I still don't have that one... Then Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday it's normal school uniform. Friday, because we have gym class we wear our gym uniform and it's so ugly!

The normal school uniform...
Here in Ecuador the school starts at 7 am and it's so early, but the school is always done at 01:10 pm. I can walk to school and it only takes me 10 minutes. Everyday when the bell rings (which btw isn't a bell, but a weird sound with a horn) everybody goes to the schoolyard and we stand in long roads with our class for 20 minutes, because we are "listing" to a nun reading up from the bible and then we pray. Also everyday 12 pm we pray. It is so weird and so different from Denmark! 
We only have on break and we don't eat lunch at school, so I'm always so hungry when I come home from school. Normally I'm first home 2 pm, because when I walk home I walk together with all my friends and they take a huge detour, they do it, because they want to walk on the main street of Otavalo, because all students in Otavalo walks on that street and basically the girls only do it to look at boys and the boys only do it to look at girls... And all the older boys that can drive, drives around in their cars and play loud music and this happens every day! But of course there are more people on Fridays... And btw in my school we are not allowed to wear make-up. So everyday 10 minutes before the bell rings, all the girls sits and put makeup on, do their hair and makes sure that they look nice, to the daily walk home.
After an hour of walking around and looking at boys and talking with my friends, I go home and eat lunch, which my maid has made for me. 

I have a maid and she is fantastic! I don't know what to do when I return to Denmark? She is the nicest person ever and she does everything for me! 
Around 4 pm I go out with my friends. They always have to make homework, but they do it in bars and cafés, because there is wifi there and then we can have a good time, talk and get a snack while doing homework - Smart! 

I would love to show pictures of my school, but I don't have any, because I'm not allowed to have my phone with me to school. 
Mostly my school makes me think about The Garden Of Eden, it's so tropical... All over my school there is stone animals with flowers growing out of their back. Then there is all the tropical plants, trees and flowers. The birds are always singing and I've seen hummingbirds more than once in a old flower tree. And all the buildings are painted in a delicate yellow color and on top of that words from the bible is writing all over the school... My school is super Catholic. It even has a church in the school, not close to the school, no the church are in the school and only used by the school.

If anybody wonders what I do in school, I can tell you nothing. Mostly I sleep... Sometimes I help/make the girls homework, because a lot of it is just writing after a book and I can do that even do it is in Spanish and the teachers still haven't noticed that the handwriting changes. English and gym is the only two classes I fully participate in.

When someone suggests that I try harder in school...

Of course I don't sleep in school, mom! I do my best to participate...

So as you guys can guess my Spanish is still not fluent at all! But I can have an conversation now and most important I can ask for my host parents permission to different things :-)  

Nodding your head, smiling, and saying yes...

The way people dress here is also very different. The girls always wear high heels, lots of jewelry and their pants are extremely tight! They always look good and put a lot of lipgloss on. I like that kind of culture where you take the time to make something out of yourself. But sometimes it's just to much and it makes me feel like shit, because all the girls are styled up like if they were going to a party and I'm just wearing jeans and t-shirt...
The boys style are more like Danish boys, but more rock/badass than hipster... 
I really want to buy clothes here in Ecuador, so my style will be more like theirs, but clothes is so expensive here!
Please send me money!

What your friends from home tell you about your new foreign style: 

Love You All

If there is anything you guys would like to know about my life here and Ecuador, just let me know!  

2 kommentarer:

  1. Fantastisk blog!!!
    Spændende at høre om din dagligdag, kan du spørge skolen om du må tage et par billeder? Det lyder så dejligt med blomster og træer. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at se skolegården, klasseværelset, kirken og måske en af dine lærer.
    Kys mor

  2. I agree with Janne .... fantastic blog! And I would also like to see photographs of your school. Could you ask permission to do that? I would also love to see all the girls "done up and ready" to walk home from school in front of the boys .... muahahahahaha! That really made me laugh when I read it - fantastic :-)
