Somethings here in Ecuador are just to weird not to mansion...
Somethings here in Ecuador are just to weird not to mansion...
So here is a list over different things from Denmark to Ecuador:
- They eat chess with EVERYTHING? Every time we eat there is always a plate only with chess... Even when we eat cake/dessert. They even put chess in the hot chocolate?
- Here is none road signs that tell the speed you are a lot to drive with? I have seen road signs for bump and children on the street, but never a sign that tell the maximum speed...
- Here it's totally normally and totally okay to like your own stuff on Facebook? Every Ecuadorian person I'm friends with on Facebook does it. Wtf it's like giving yourself a high five...
- The age different of couples here are huge, the boy are always at least 2 years older, but mostly more! Some of the girls in my school that are 14 years old date guys that are 20? Why would a 20 years old guy want to date a girl that still doesn't wear a bra?
- It's normal to have more than one girl/boyfriend?
- It's only the driver wearing the seat belt, on less you drive on the highway.
- Every time a teacher enters the classroom everybody stands up and greetings the teacher. But in general they have no respect for their teachers...
- Food are so cheap here, I can buy a nice big dinner + soda for 5 dollars.
- Boys and girls are not allowed to be alone together in the house.
- They don't use knifes to eat with, only to cut their food with.
Coping each other's homework is totally okay, from the teacher side. - They have a television in every single room, except the living room.
- Men do nothing in the house.
- Boys always pay for the girls! (I actually like this different - Danish boys could learn something)
- They don't hug when they say Hi/Bye, they kiss on the cheek. (It have cost me a lot of awkward moments)
- There are big walls in front of every house or metal mesh on the windows and doors. All the houses/stores are super protected.
- Having a maid is normal.
- There are guards with weapons in front of the banks.
- At school they pay for the cope sheets the teachers gives them.
- They have statues and pictures with Jesus and Maria or cross in every room!
- Having two phones is normal. A smartphone and then a shitty phone for texting and calling.
- There are homeless dogs on every street.
- There isn't toilet paper in the single box on public toilets, you need to take it before you go in.